The Phrygian word ΥΔΩΡ
u d ɔː r
IPA udɔːr
Meaning water
Notes/Remarks The etymology of this word is uncertain
See also Homeric Greek: ὕδωρ ‘water’
Phrygian: ΕΔΕΣΣΑ ‘place name’
Armenian: gwet ‘river’
Armenian: jowr ‘water’
Thracian: udrenas ‘aquatic’
Greek: ύδωρ ‘water’
Hittite: ua-a-tar ‘water’
C. Luwian: wa-a-ar-ša ‘water’
Synonyms ΑΚΑΛΑ, ΒΕΔΥ

Based on Socrates account that ύδωρ in Greek comes from Phrygian. The word however has never been attested in Phrygian inscriptions nor in some linguistic account (e.g Hesychious).

Other words that might be of interest
ΓΕΥΔΙΣ ‘river name’