The Tocharian B word śāmñe
Word śāmñe
ɕ a m ɲ e
IPA ɕamɲe
Meaning human, mortal

Douglas Q. Adams, “Etymological Dictionary of Tocharian B”, 1999, Brill

Other words that might be of interest
klyiye ‘woman’, śana ‘woman’, eṅkwe ‘man’, śaumo ‘man’, śamaśke ‘child’, petso ‘husband’, mācer ‘mother’, pācer ‘father’, kālyśke ‘boy’, procer ‘brother’, tkācer ‘daughter’, tsaṣke ‘elder’, stere ‘elder’, gottär ‘family’, klaiññe ‘female’, śamñāṃśka ‘girl’, āwe ‘grandfather’, orotstse-pācer ‘grandfather’, pets ‘husband’, amārraṣṣe ‘immortal’, oṅkrotte ‘immortal’, onuwaññe ‘immortality’, śaul ‘life’, śāw- ‘live’, eṅkwaññe ‘male’, enkwe ‘male’, ammakki ‘mother’, ṣer ‘sister’, soy ‘son’